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-Magic list
-Class Changes
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Games featured:
Seiken Densetsu 3 Class Changes
Seiken Densetsu 3 has a new and different experience system. Each character has a different "class" defining their light or dark side. As they advance, the character becomes stronger, so changing to a new class is a must. You change a class twice in the game using a Mana Stone. First at level 18 and then at level 38, but for the final class change you will need a special item to break the seal. Light side abilities tend to use healing and ability raising magic, and the Dark side uses power down attacks on enemies and focuses more on attack. The story does not change according to the classes of your characters, so you can use whichever class you want. Each character begins at a neutral class. |
Duran's Classes |
Fighter |
Knight |
Gladiator |
Paladin |
Lord |
Swordmaster |
Duelist |
Knight (Light) The Knight's heart, techniques, and body are greater than the Fighter's,
and he values honor and trust more than his own life. He can cast a healing spell.
Tech Attack: 3-Step Cut |
Paladin (Light + Light) The Paladin is a fighter who defends the weak and innocent. He can use a
healing spell, as well as a spell that gives weapons attributes of Light.
Tech Attack: Flashing Sword |
Lord (Light + Dark) Lord usually means an owner of land, but here it means a
fighter who has faith in himself and fights for those who depend on him.
His offensive powers are lower than the Paladin, but he can use two
healing spells.
Tech Attack: Magic Circle |
Gladiator (Dark) The Gladiator values fighting itself more than honor and trust to others.
He uses neither spells nor shields.
Tech Attack: Whirlwind Sword |
Swordmaster (Dark + Light) The Swordmaster has lived in darkness, but he hasn't forgotten
his duty. He is similar to a Samurai. He has keen senses, and he lives for
real battles. He can give his weapon earth, fire, water, or wind
attributes to maximize his power.
Tech Attack: Vaccum Blade |
Duelist (Dark + Dark) The Duelist wants nothing but to fight, and he only finds
happiness in conquering his opponent. He has the most offensive power of
any fighter class, and can use spells that gives weapons Darkness attributes.
Tech Attack: Eruption Sword |
Angela's Classes |
Magician |
Sorceress |
Delvar |
Grand Divina |
Archmage |
Rune Master |
Magus |
Sorceress (Light) The Sorceress is the result of Light class change from the
magician. She can use more spells than the magician, but is not good
with dark magic, since she is now aligned with the Light side.
Tech Attack: Pink Typhoon |
Grand Divina (Light + Light) The Grand Divina is the highest and purest class of magician.
She is well versed in different spells and can cast two spells at the
same time.
Tech Attack: Spiral Rod |
Archmage (Light + Dark) The Archmage is a magician who received her powers from the
spirits. Thus, she uses the spirits to cast the strong spells. She uses
the rod which can only be used with the permission of the spirits.
Tech Attack: Dancing Rod |
Delvar (Dark) The Delvar emphasizes the power of the magic, rather than the
purpose of using it. Unlike the Sorceress, she is more aligned with darkness spells.
Tech Attack: Star Attack |
Rune Master (Dark + Light) The Rune Master makes use of the strong, dark side of spells.
Her spells can stone the enemy and beat them in one strike.
Tech Attack: 10 Tons |
Magus (Dark + Dark) The Magus is a dark magician who took the wrong path when
searching for the source of magic. Since she was searching for the
source of magic, her spells can cause unusual things to happen.
Tech Attack: Hot Shot |
Carlie's Classes |
Cleric |
Priestess |
Enchantress |
Bishop |
Sage |
Necromancer |
Evil Shaman |
Priestess (Light) The Priestess is the class a Cleric obtains with further
training. She can use Light spells and party healing spells.
Tech Attack: Jump |
Bishop (Light + Light) The Bishop is the highest of the holy classes. She can use
most Light spells, and can destroy undead monsters with her holy power.
Tech Attack: ChopChop |
Sage (Light + Dark) The Sage enjoys ordered studies. She can use healing spells,
light spells, and some spells that give weapons elemental attributes.
Tech Attack: BoomBoom |
Enchantress (Dark) The Enchantress can bring non-living things to life, but she's
already diverging from the Light side. She can use some healing
spells and can summon magical creatures.
Tech Attack: Dash |
Necromancer (Dark + Light) The Necromancer is a wreck of alignment who profanes life by
controlling corpses. She can use healing spells, but is much better at
Darkness spells that summon undead monsters.
Tech Attack: Craaaazy |
Evil Shaman (Dark + Dark) The Evil Shaman is a follower of the evil god, and controls
the beasts that lurk in the dark. She can summon demons and breathe out Demon's breath at
Tech Attack: HugeHuge |
Hawk's Classes |
Thief |
Ranger |
Ninja |
Wanderer |
Rogue |
Ninja Master |
Nightblade |
Ranger (Light) The Ranger communes with nature, can identify monsters, and
sets traps. He uses supporting spells, and can
change his appearance as camofoulage.
Tech Attack: Flying Swallow Toss |
Wanderer (Light + Light) The Wanderer has separated himself from society and resides in
nature. He knows the Ranger's techniques and can use Tree and Moon spells.
Tech Attack: Dance of Roses |
Rogue (Light + Dark) The Rogue always looks out for himself, and will use any means
necessary to get his task done. He is often viewed as a violent person,
but he is not on the Dark side. He can set stronger traps than the
Ranger, and can use Tree and Moon spells.
Tech Attack: Thousand Slice |
Ninja (Dark) The Ninja has mastered the art of silently assasinating the enemy.
He can control nature and uses four elementals as means of attack.
He can also throw Shurikens.
Tech Attack: Silhouette Slice |
Ninja Master (Dark + Light) The advanced class of Ninja is the Ninja Master. He can perform
rapid Shuriken throws, hide in the shadows, and attacks with four
Tech Attack: Shadow Dive |
Nightblade (Dark + Dark) The Nightblade is a professional assasin who beats enemies with
certainty. He is experienced at using poisonous mists and poisonous needle
Tech Attack: Split-Image Slice |
Lise's Classes |
Amazoness |
Valkyrie |
Rune Maiden |
Vanadis |
Star Lancer |
Dragon Master |
Fenrir Knight |
Valkyrie (Light) The Valkyrie is a legendary war goddess. She can cast spells that enhance her and other's
Tech Attack: Vaccum Surge Spear |
Vanadis (Light + Light) The Vanadis is a goddess who separates the soul of a dead
person from their body. She casts spells that enhance her and other's abilities,
and she attacks with a Light spear. She can summon the god Freya.
Tech Attack: Light Ball Spear |
Star Lancer (Light + Dark) The Star Lancer is as cold and pure as the stars in the sky.
She casts spells that enhance herself and other party menbers. She can summon the winged god Marduke.
Tech Attack: Falling Star |
Rune Maiden (Dark) The Rune Maiden remains pure to maximize her strength. She
willingly casts spells that weaken opponents to guarantee her victory.
Tech Attack: Flying Heaven Spear |
Dragon Master (Dark + Light) The Dragon Master can control dragons with her strength she
aquired fighting alongside them. Like the Rune Maiden, she willingly
casts spells that weaken opponents, but she also can summon the legendary dragon Jormungand.
Tech Attack: Dragon Fang Spear |
Fenrir Knight (Dark + Dark) The Fenrir Knight is a fighter who was has been named Fenrir
after a legendary wolf. She uses magic that decreases all of the
enemies' abilities and can summon the dark beast Lamian Naga.
Tech Attack: Hundred Flower Dance |
Kevin's Classes |
Grappler |
Monk |
Bashkar |
God Hand |
Warrior Monk |
Delvish |
Death Hand |
Monk (Light) The Monk is a martial artist who emphasizes mental training.
He can cast a healing spell and enhance his strength as a beastman.
Tech Attack: Whirlwind Kick, Tornado Throw |
God Hand (Light + Light) The God Hand is an ultimate martial artist who has a great heart,
technique, and body. Holy power is rumored to reside in his fists. He
can cast a healing spell and a special magic spell called Aura Wave.
Tech Attack: Byakko Shockwave, Stardust Bomb |
Warrior Monk (Light + Dark) The Warrior Monk uses his mental power to draw out his inner strength.
He can cast a healing spell and a spell which makes his fists steal MP from enemies.
Tech Attack: Genbu 100-Kick, Blow Impact |
Bashkar (Dark) Unlike the Monk, the Bashkar only searched for strength. He
doesn't use spells, but his offensive power is much higher than the Monk's.
Tech Attack: Water-Moon Slice, Bastard Slam |
Delvish (Dark + Light) The Delvish has concealed his feelings and trained further than
the Bashkar. He can cast magic which makes his fists steal HP from enemies.
Tech Attack: Seiryuu Death Fist, Dead Crush |
Death Hand (Dark + Dark) The Death Hand has sold his heart to evil to obtain greater power.
His offensive power is extremely high, while his defense protects him against heavy attacks.
Tech Attack: Suzaku Sky Dance, Veritubach |